
The Project

This project brings together academic researchers with expertise in intellectual and social history, information science and digital humanities in partnership with the Society of Antiquaries of London in order to recover the broad landscape of women’s work in archaeology, history, and heritage and their intellectual networks in 19th and 20th-century Britain via detailed investigation of two significant cultural-institutional archives.

We will write a new history of archaeology, history, and heritage in 19th- and 20th-century Britain, which will reveal the extent of women’s contributions to the shaping, practice and institutionalisation of these fields.

The Team

Professor Katherine Harloe (Institute of Classical Studies), Principal Investigator

Dr Amara Thornton (Institute of Classical Studies), Co-Investigator

Professor James Baker (University of Southampton), Co-Investigator

Dr Ammandeep Mahal (University of Southampton), Research Fellow in Information Science

Dr Sharon Howard (University of Southampton), Research Fellow in Digital Humanities

Steering Committee

Professor Elton Barker (Open University)

Dr Emma Bridges (Open University)

Dunia Garcia-Ontiveros (Society of Antiquaries of London)

Dr Helen Glew (Westminster)

Professor Emma Griffin (University of East Anglia)

Dr Kate Hill (Lincoln)

Professor Rachel Mairs (Reading)

Dr Sarah Middle (National Museums Scotland/Open University)

Professor Nicoletta Momigliano (Bristol)

Pip Willcox (The National Archives)

Linked Open Data Consultants

IP Squared (Maarten Zeinstra)

Digitaal Werktuig (Maarten Brinkerink)


Beyond Notability is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK). Project Reference AH/V01384X/1. Funding value £743,783.

Suggested Citation

To cite an individual item in the Beyond Notability Database please use the following format:

To cite the project and web site as a whole please use the following format:

  • Katherine Harloe, Amara Thornton, James Baker, Ammandeep K. Mahal, and Sharon Howard, Beyond ‘Notability’: Re-evaluating Women’s Work in Archaeology, History and Heritage in Britain, 1870 – 1950 (https://beyond-notability.wikibase.cloud, 2021-2024).

Subsequent citation might be shortened to:

  • Beyond Notability.


Email: beyondnotability[at]gmail[dot]com. Twitter: @beyondnotables.